Thursday, June 4, 2020

Identifying Vegetables

Things needed:

White sheet


On a white sheet draw the shape of different Vegetables that is available with you.

Ask your small one to identify the vegetable according to the shape and place the vegetable on the shape.

While doing this teach them the vegetable name, their colour and shape. When you are again cooking this vegetable in your Kitchen, show the veggie to your kid and tell them you are cooking it...

Then when you serve the food to them too, remind them of it... It helps them to remember the taste of vegetable and will start identifying their likes and dislikes of taste.

I used to do this exercise with my daughter every time when she was small and would build a story on each vegetable.. and would act as if the vegetable had the best taste in the world...

This exercise make the kids to love all veggies and eat them happily 😍😊

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