Monday, September 28, 2020

Ideas for parents during this pandemic

This pandemic has caused a lot of stress to the parents as there are no schools and the kids can't be sent outside to play too. I have made some nice Ideas to keep your kid busy. Hope this is going to help people who are finding it difficult to keep their kids entertained.

 Ideas for parents to keep their kids busy during this pandemic:

1. You learn a new hobby and introduce it to them. Sit and explore it together.

2. Enjoy gardening with them. Teach them to grown few plants and explain their importance too.

3. Make them your partner in cooking.

4. Create some new fun activities which is going to help them in their academics too.

5. Ask them to help you in your daily chores. Whether you have a son or a daughter, let them learn to help you.

6. Instill a sense of time management in them. They can complete their Homework and other activities during day time without creating troubles for others and not disturbing their parents too in their work.

7. Have evening times as Family Time to enjoy and play together.

8. Workout together as this will keep you fit too to face all the challenges.

9. Above all explain it to them the current situation properly and how it's affecting you, your job and other people staying around you. Let them learn to be considerate to people around them.

Only you can change the perception of any situation of your kid as positive or negative. Do that. Parenting needs lot of effort. Their is no other choice than putting that effort.


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