Thursday, April 30, 2020

Matchsticks Alphabets..

Things needed:

White sheet


Write down alphabets in large size on two sheets of paper.

Ask your kid to trace the alphabets with matchsticks.

Help them if they find it little difficult with few letters like B or S...

They love doing this... If they like it ask them to do more like writing their name, school name  or even numbers etc..🙂🙂 The trials are endless..😃

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fill in the blanks

Things needed:

White sheet
Sketch pens


Write a list of random pattern, shapes, alphabets and numbers.

Ask your kid to fill them. Help them to establish the pattern and the sequence.

This helps them in logical reasoning..

Kids below 10 too can solve it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Peppa and George pizza party...

       This is an interesting game just to teach them parts and sharing. We are not teaching fractions here. For kids above 7, you can give them the same activity as fractions.

Things needed:

White sheet
Sketch pens


Draw some circles and divide them into 8 parts.

Colour few parts in each circle.

Ask your kid to find the total number of parts and in that the number of parts that are coloured.

Build a story around it. Purple pieces are eaten by Peppa and green pieces are eaten by George..

They will be eager to write how many pieces Peppa and George ate together in each Pizza..😂😂

Monday, April 27, 2020

Find the numbers and colour

Things needed:
White sheet
Sketch pens


Write down the numbers from 1 to 100 in small boxes..

At the bottom of the page paint five colours and assign randomly 20 numbers to each colour.

Ask your kid to find the numbers above and colour them. Only after finish one colour , they can go for the other.

They need atleast an hour to complete this.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Hindu Gods and Goddess Quiz

       I tried to compile all the stories that me and my husband have told these days to my daughter on Ramayana and Mahabharata and gave a quiz to her based on that. 

      Its a simple quiz where you need to identify the objects or small things which indicate which God it belongs too.

Things needed:

White sheet
Sketch pens


I have made five coloumns and and have drawn four objects that belong to each God.

In the last column I have mentioned the Gods name with their starting letter in the bracket. 

Ask you child to identify the object and then write the first letter of the God on it.

It is a fun way for kids to learn about our Gods and also for the parents.

Parents can try the quiz too...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

We are Family... Brush Art

     As it was a weekend we thought of including appa (dad) too in the task. So we did a hand print activity. Great fun to see all of us working together..

Things needed:

White sheets - 4
Water or acrylic paints
Masking tape
Black sketch pen/brush pen


Take hand prints of all family members on the two white sheets. Cut them accordingly.

Now join the other two sheets based on the size required. If you want to frame it use a thick cardboard sheet also.

Use glue to stick the two sheets together. 

Now place the hands on the white sheets and secure them with a masking take.

Pour a little of each colour on a plate. Dip the brush in the paint and spray it on all sides of the sheet. Check the video for the same.

Wash the brush inbetween every colour.

Once done allow it to dry.  Now slowly peel the hands from the sheet. You get a beautiful white imprint on the paper.

Write the message with a black brush pen.

Now you have beautiful family potrait to be displayed at home...

Kids enjoy doing this with both mummy and pappa..

Friday, April 24, 2020

Give me some Balloons

      The girl in the picture is sad and wants all the balloons. She wants to hold them in her hands.. So, we need to give them to her.

Things needed:

Sketch pens
White sheet


Draw some different colour balloons all over the paper.

Draw the picture of a girl at the bottom.

Ask your kid to draw the matching coloured strings from the balloon into the hand of girl.

One has been done as an illustration.

Kids learn to differentiate different shades of colours and also learn to have control on their hand movements.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Fishing Rubber bands

Things needed:

Big bowl
Rubber bands (3 colours)
Three small bowls/container
Wooden skewer


Fill the large bowl with water. Drop in a pack of rubberbands in it. We have used 3 colours here.

Keep three small bowls ready to collect the bands.

Ask your kid to fish the rubber bands using the wooden skewer and place them in the bowls according to their colour..

This activity helps in hand coordination in kids...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Roll Dice and Colour the Picture

     Colourful activity and it's fun too..

Things needed:

White sheet


Draw any picture on the sheet of paper. We have drawn heart here.

Draw small boxes on the picture.. assign 6 different  colours to 6 different numbers on the dice.

Now ask your kid to roll the dice. Whatever number comes ask them to paint that colour on the picture in order.

If the same number comes twice you can roll the dice again. Check the video for details..

Once you complete the picture, it looks beautiful and colourful.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Join the dots..

      Remember we all loved drawing rangoli in our childhood and still do. So I thought why not get that interest in my daughter. Though it's too early for her thought I can just introduce joining some dots to her. 
     This helps in pattern recognition and makes drawing lines easier for the kids.

Things needed:

White sheet 


Make four columns. Draw some dots in them. I have done 3-3, 4-4 and 3-4 ones. If your kid is above 6 you can make some more complex ones.

Join the dots and make patterns in first and third column. Ask your kid to replicate that in second and fourth column.

Let them do with pencil first..once they are correct they can redo it with sketch pen.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Match the Expressions...

Things needed:
White sheet
Sketch pens
Pencil and ruler


Draw four emoticons and mark Mark them with unique expressions..Give one colour each for these.

Now write randomly these emoticons below. Ask your kid to match the expressions with the colours. Simple yet fun activity...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Intersecting and Overlapping

     This is not as confusing as the heading goes. It just a random art generated by a mom to keep her kid engaged for atleast an hour. 😂😂

Things needed:

White sheet 
Black pen
Crayons or colour pencils


Draw a random abstract design (design 1) or a intersecting geometric shape (design 2) on a paper.

Ask your kid to colour them. There is a small rule for colouring. Same colour should not be used adjacent to each other i.e same colour cannot share a common wall.

Note: You can also give other geometric shapes or a combination of many shapes too but only one sheet a day otherwise you will end up colouring with them.. Try it.. It's fun..

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Time for some Clock

     We made a clock today to learn how to read time. Simple and easy way to learn for 4 to 6 year kids to learn reading time from an analog clock.

Things needed:

Paper plate
White sheet of paper
Sketch pens
Headpin or snap button
Small plier


Cut the plate in a smaller disc shape. 

Take the sheet and cut long strips 6 in number. Attach them to the sheet as shown in the third picture.

Write the 12 numbers on the paper plate as in a wall clock.  Similarly write their minutes on the white sheet attached to the number.

I have marked the hours with green and minutes with purple to differentiate between them.

I have also marked two hearts to depict which colour should be read first.

Also inbetween the hours I have written the previous number only to clarify which number should be read.

Cut a hour and minute hands from the leftover sheet and fix them properly using a headpin or a snap button.

Now set a time and ask your kid to read the time (check the video).. Once they start reading it will be fun as they start fixing their own time to do their daily activities..

Friday, April 17, 2020

Butterflies in the Garden

  Today we created some beautiful butterflies in the garden using a scrub :)

Things needed:

White sheet
Water paints
Flat brush
Scrub with a sponge 


Take the scrub and cut it into half. Take rubber bands and put them on the scrub.

Now take any two water colours and apply it to the scrub. Ask your kid to press it on the page to print the image.

Now with a sketch pen draw the body of the butterflies.

You can make the garden interesting by adding some grass, flowers and a little background.

Check the video to see the procedure.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Fish Bowl

   Today we created our own fish bowl.. It's very cute and all the fishes seem so happy..

Things needed:

White sheet
Colour sheets
Black sketch pen
Blue paint
Flat brush


Draw a fish bowl and ask your kid to paint it blue. 

Now cut triangular strips of green and paste to resemble some green plants.

Now make cute fishes out of the coloured sheets and paste them. 

Video describes the method to make fishes. You can make any colour fishes. 

Cut some small circles resembling bubbles and stick them.

Also make some stones with white paper, stick them and give some shades.

I have made the eyes of fishes, stones and bubbles with white sheet.

Give a beautiful outline to the picture.

Tada... Beautiful fish bowl is ready...

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Family Words...

     Took a little time to go back to revising the school syllabus.. to make it look interesting, this model was created which has all the family words together ...

Things needed:

Foam sheets


First make a note of all the family words that you would like to add in this model.

Make a design template and write down all the alphabets that would come in each column.

Take a horizontal strip of sheet and make three cuts  on it on top and bottom. 

Now take the other three colour strips  and cut the length based on the number of alphabets.

Write down all the alphabets in each strip and insert them.

Now form words and learn them. Ask ur kid to find as many family words possible from this.

Note: U can also use cardboard sheet if you don't have foam sheets.

I have explained how this works in the video. Please check it..