Sunday, April 19, 2020

Intersecting and Overlapping

     This is not as confusing as the heading goes. It just a random art generated by a mom to keep her kid engaged for atleast an hour. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Things needed:

White sheet 
Black pen
Crayons or colour pencils


Draw a random abstract design (design 1) or a intersecting geometric shape (design 2) on a paper.

Ask your kid to colour them. There is a small rule for colouring. Same colour should not be used adjacent to each other i.e same colour cannot share a common wall.

Note: You can also give other geometric shapes or a combination of many shapes too but only one sheet a day otherwise you will end up colouring with them.. Try it.. It's fun..

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